AEC Hero Video

Using real architecture and engineering models to tell an aspirational story

Autodesk came to us to create an animation for their flagship architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) product, the AEC Collection. Because the collection is a package of multiple different pieces of software, the animation needed to speak to multiple different personas across the industry—and because Autodesk are the 3D design people, it needed to look the part.

By meticulously cleaning and adapting real-world models built by AEC professionals, we created an animation that resonates with them all. And with some clever camera work, we integrated our work very nicely with the existing AEC Collection hero imagery.


Abstract 3D render of different Autodesk software shown as cubes.
3D render in blue of the different layers in building construction.
3D render in blue of an abstract building occupying an empty lot.
3D render in gray and blue depicting buildings and a bar graph representing cost / area in relation to a benchmark.
High fidelity 3D render in blue depicting the finalized building models surrounded by trees and a parking lot.