Vital Functions

Repositioning business intelligence

We helped FICO shift from selling components to selling a new approach to business intelligence

As a bedrock institution in modern banking, FICO has evolved with every technological advance from punch cards and vacuum tubes to in-memory databases and GenAI. Along the way, they developed discrete services for fraud detection, managing credit history, and loan application processing.

An early adopter of cloud computing and microservices applications, FICO reinvented itself as a platform for business intelligence, decision-making, and hyper-personalized customer experiences. Their customers, however, struggled to see the value of the new platform. They understood the components but didn’t understand the bigger picture.

Part of the problem was presentation—FICO led with discrete features and functionality that made the platform offering hard to comprehend. Catalysis helped FICO create an overarching story that reframed the platform.

With the FICO platform in place, a business responds to its environment organically. Instead of fighting siloed data and departments, the business acts as a fluid whole subconsciously processing information, making decisions, and seizing opportunities—kind of like an autonomic nervous system.

The campaign (quite literally) sprang to life through living representations of the platform’s capabilities. We avoided features and functionality in favor of high-level concepts that redefined the FICO and stood out in social feeds and paid advertising.


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